Program failed to recognize some AAC streams with exotic channel encoding.Mac OS: Support for Mac OS 12.0 Monterey.Any Java runtime version is now supported, including Java 16.Much better support for discs with Java playlist obfuscation.WinCDArb update, fixes occasional 'no optical drives' error.Files integrity may be checked using hash file.NOTE: MakeMKV is not signed by Apple, you might need to adjust gatekeeper options in order to install the program. Requires Windows XP or later, x86 or 圆4.MakeMKV for Linuxis available on the forum page. Supports macOS 10.12 Sierra, as well as Mac OS X 10.8.5, 10.9.5, 10.10-10.10.5, 10.11.1-10.11.6Download M-AUDIO Mbox Driver v.1.2.12 Download MakeMKV betaMakeMKV for Windows and Mac OS X is available for download below.